Resident-led Partnership - Honorary Officers

The duties of the honorary officers of the resident-led partnership, Big Local North East Hastings, are described below. 

The Chair is elected at the annual general meeting and is also Chair of the North East Hastings Big Local Group.  The resident-led partnership appoints the other officers.  Please note that the roles of treasurer and secretary are currenly vacant.  Please contact our Community Development work if you are interested in joining the partnership and filling one of these roles.


  • Chairing meetings of the Resident-led Partnership and Big Local Group and ensuring that annual general meetings and extraordinary general meetings are carried out according to the constitution
  • Ensuring discussion and decision-making is democratic and everyone is able to participate fully in meetings
  • Preparing agendas for the meeting (in consultation with other officers)
  • Ensuring relevant matters are discussed and appropriate decisions made
  • Keeping abreast of Local Trust guidance and other good practice.

Vice Chair

  • Supports the work of the Chair
  • Stands-in during the Chair's absence


  • Supporting the Chair and Vice-chairs
  • *Sending out papers for meetings; keeping records and correspondence
  • *Arranging venue for meetings; arranging speakers
  • *Sending out newsletters and notification of events
  • *Maintaining membership list

* these tasks could be carried out by staff employed by Orbit, the resident-led partnership’s Locally Trusted Organisation in which case the secretary will be responsible for ensuring that the necessary procedures are in place and that the tasks are being carried out successfully.


  • Maintaining an overview of the finances by liaison with the Locally Trusted Organisation (LTO)
  • Ensuring that financial reports submitted by the LTO meet the needs of the Resident-led Partnership and Big Local Group
  • Looking for sources of external funding and advising project and programme managers
  • Liaising with the Chair, Vice-chair and Community Development Worker to ensure that expenditure authorisations and commitments are notified to the LTO for recording

Unlike treasurers in most community groups, the treasurer for Big Local North East Hastings does not keep the accounts because that is the responsibility of Orbit (our Locally Trusted Organisation).  However, the resident-led partnership is investigating having an account for petty cash and if this happens the treasurer will be responsible for that account. 


In addition to support from paid workers, training will be provided when needed for residents who are elected as honorary officers or who would like to stand for election in the future.